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General use πŸ’‘

Why is it better to use hot water?

Use hot water in your products and they will dissolve much more quickly!. Hot water contains more energy than cold water, so the water molecules move faster. This movement speeds up the disintegration of the stick, improving the homogeneity of the pr

How do I clean my bottles before refilling them?

Our bottles are designed to last, but their cleanliness is essential to guarantee their quality and that of the product you are about to prepare. Over time, micro-organisms and residues can build up. Regular cleaning with lukewarm water with each new

What is the shelf life of your products?

As our packaging is not 100% airtight, shelf life depends on storage conditions πŸ™. Our products have a shelf life of one year when stored in dry areas without moisture or heat. Therefore, it is not recommended to store them in bathrooms and kitchens